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- Dr. Bill
- Dr. William Callaway, PhD has his PhD in Southeast Asian Studies. He speaks 5 languages. He loves golf, old muscle cars and Harleys.

Weight Loss and Diet Tips

Do You Need To Go On A Diet?
Author: Dr. Bill
Do You Need To Go On A Diet?
The media today is filled with images of skinny, beautiful women and muscular, handsome men, which can often leave the average person wondering where exactly they fit on the scale of attractiveness. While an individual's features and style certainly contributes to his or her appearance, weight has also become a major factor in determining who is attractive and who is not. By now most people have heard criticisms about the media and Barbie Dolls and bulimic runway models, and most people know, in theory, that these depictions of women and men are false, or at least not the norm; but does this knowledge really matter?
Nevertheless, you probably have a general idea about how healthy you are as an individual and about whether a diet would be appropriate for you or not. Then, if you feel a diet is the right choice, read through information on each diet that you're considering to decide which program you would be most willing to follow and what will likely work best for you.
How much should you weigh?
A rule of thumb is to allow 100 pounds for the first 5 feet of height (for women) and 105 pounds (for men). Then, add 4-6 pounds per inch of height above this base (women), and 5-7 pounds per inch (men). The reason for the difference for men and women is that men’s bodies are typically more muscular—and muscle is heavier. However, the final figure can be adjusted up by as much as 20% or down by 10% to account for an individual’s muscle mass and body type.
Take a look at our program; I think you will like it.
Here are some really helpful links:

Author: Dr. Bill
What if we could show you a system of eating which was so different from anything else you've ever seen, that you'll notice a change in your body in just 11 Days from Today?Forget about your past dieting failures for a moment. Just focus on one thought right now..........WHAT IF it was really possible to change your body in 11 days? Believe it or not it's really possible to change your body over the NEXT 11 DAYS, and it has NOTHING to do with positive thinking.......because positive thinking all by itself won't remove a single pound from your body.That's right...........if you want to get NOTICEABLY THINNER IN THE MIRROR then you need MUCH MORE than just "positive thinking". Okay.........get ready to be shown an Eating System which is so unique that you're going to be anxious to begin immediately.
FOOD is NOT the Enemy
Did you know that your brain controls the release of Fat Burning Hormones after each meal? It's true.Every time you eat something there are 2 types of hormones released into your bloodstream, and together they control Fat Burning and Fat Storage.Also, did you know that these 2 hormones are controlled by the foods that you eat? It's true.Our Diet Manipulates Fat Burning HORMONES Our diet manipulates these hormones.........so after each meal your body will produce a greater quantity of Fat Burning Hormones...........while Fat Storing Hormones are MINIMIZED as much as humanly possible. That's why you'll be eating MORE THAN 3 TIMES PER DAY during the next 11 Days, because to alter these hormones correctly you'll be required to eat MORE than 3 times per day.You probably find it hard to believe that eating more than 3 times per day could be the solution to speeding up weight loss, right?After all, most people believe that food is the "enemy" which makes them overweight. But that's simply WRONG. Food is NOT the enemy.So if Food is Not the Enemy, Then What is it?Food is like a LIGHT SWITCH which can turn Fat Burning ON or OFF.So even though it may seem like a contradiction to say that eating more often is the solution to weight loss............that's exactly what our New Dieting System is all about. Of course, you must eat the right meals in the right patterns each day (since obviously you cannot eat chocolate 10 times per day and get skinny).However, the bottom line is that you'll be eating MORE than 3 meals per day during the next 11 Days.......and after 11 days have passed you'll be much slimmer and lighter on the scale. Don't believe it? Well, you've already discovered that low calorie diets don't work. So what does this tell you? ...It tells you that eating less is NOT THE ANSWER, and it tells you that the solution must be something totally different. We know that there are *some* people who don't truly believe that they can change their own body within the next couple weeks, but please keep reading below with an open mind.
Our Diet System uses another technique called CALORIE SHIFTING. This means that your body will be given different types of calories each day...........which confuses your metabolism and forces FASTER fat loss to happen.Don't Believe it? Keep reading below...
The Shifting Calories Theory...Your metabolism doesn't know how much food you'll eat tomorrow or the next day because those days have not happened yet. Therefore, your metabolism always burns calories based on your eating habits during the past few days -- because it assumes that you'll continue to eat in the same general way. Guess what? You're about to shock your metabolism by doing something you've never tried before -- you're going to do the OPPOSITE of what it expects you to do. You're going to NOT continue eating the same types of calories and meals for more than a couple days at a time, and you're going to lose a lot of weight by doing this.To make this work you need to SHIFT the types of calories eaten as shown in our diet on the next page, and if you do this then your metabolism will burn all of the calories eaten. Then, when it finishes burning those calories it will find the nearest available fat tissue on your body and burn that too...
To lose weight your diet menu needs to be SHIFTED every few days -- and this is something you've never tried before, and that's why you've never been able to change your body when dieting.Of course, in order for this dieting technique to work you also need to eat foods which have been rated "Fat Burning Compatible" -- because the foods you eat must be easy to burn (so that your metabolism will burn them entirely and then switch to burning your fat tissue after that).Try Our New ON-LINE DIET GENERATOR!We've created an online diet generator which automatically computes everything for you in just seconds, and it gives you the right daily menu each day so that you don't have to calculate anything while shifting your calories. This new diet is called the "IDIOT PROOF DIET."
What does the Idiot Proof Diet Do?The Idiot Proof Diet constantly alternates your menu between every possible type of calorie, constantly shifting from one type of calorie to the next, ensuring that the scale keeps dropping.We call this diet the "Idiot Proof Diet" because everything is computed for you, and there is no need for calorie counting or label reading.
Read more in my website at: http://www.dietsecrets-now.com/
or for more interesting reading, look here: Click Here!border="0">

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